Harappian Night Recordings, UK

Harappian Night Recordings (UK)


Harappian Night Recordings is the work of Sayed Kamran Ali, an English artist connected with the Hunter Gracchus/Part Wild Horses Mane On Both Sides collective. His most recent album - The Glorious Gongs Of Hainuwele on Bo'Weavil - mixes field recordings apparently from Southeast Asia with rough household drones, breathing and otherworldly sounds, in an atmosphere that vibrates in places between the coordinates of Sun City Girls/Vibracathedral Orchestra/Uton, spirited nocturnal transmissions, devotional ragas and folk-primitive navigations bathed in a psychedelic derivation.


Harappian Night Recordings lavora per Sayed Kamran Ali, artista inglese connesso con tutta la combriccola di Hunter Gracchus/Part Wild Horses Mane On Both Sides. Il suo ultimo album - The Glorious Gongs Of Hainuwele su Bo'Weavil - fonde e confonde in modo straordinario field recordings apparentemente dal sud-est asiatico
con ruvidi droni casalinghi di fiati e suoni dall'oltremondo, in un'atmosfera che vibra da qualche parte fra le coordinate alla Sun City Girls/Vibracathedral Orchestra/Uton, trasmissioni notturne spiritate,

raga devozionali e navigazioni folk-primitive bagnate
in una deriva psichedelica.